Márcio was born in Brazil in 1985.He is a dancer with a Social Communication BA, a Performing Major from SEAD and is a certified Embody Myoreflex Therapy Practitioner. Márcio is interested in how our ability to care can form and inform the systems we create to live in. And how this ability takes physical shape to design our interfaces through the ways we understand connection. Having a degenerative diseases called Retinitis Pigmentosa which causes progressive loss of peripheral vision and consequently blindness, Márcio often stumble into zones where the capacities to move, to understand, to sense, to feel are drastically put in question by a demand on trust in a sense of connection, specially while dancing, or walking in deamed light. Together with DEEPER F. Collective (HU) and A Bela Associação (PT), launched the digital publication CARE WHERE? Zine and CARE - Activism, Art and Electronic Music gatherings, focus on how we build and transform our large community through the chain of our immediate affections. Márcio also works as a freelance dancer for Hodworks (HU), CRANKY BODIES/a company (DE) and Meg Stuart/ Damaged Goods (BE/DE).In the past he had also collaborated with Benoit Lachambre, Sara Shelton Mann, Mark Thompkins and Keith Henessy.
Creative decisions are always taken collaboratively, they are dependent on contexts, opportunities and environments.
Recently im focusing in distinguishing eyesight from vision, giving attention to eye-care and shared moments of perception. Due to a degenerative eye condition Im interested in how to approach lost of sight through the skills of adaptation that it requires, treating it not as a process of social isolation but an irrevocable form of connection.
Creative worlds are never build out of things but out of relationships.
The more Im outdoors, the more exposed I am to the nature of my eyesight, bits of it are confronting, because I become aware of my own timing and the increasing loss of resolution in the world I am able to see. While dancing, on an improvisation with other artists, I have notice that it is becoming more challenging to connect with what happens on space and therefor to offer contributions to the event. Mostly because I have been loosing visual references and cues much faster than before, making me feel lost, as if my perception of movement would get slower, and probably it is, since my periphery vision gets lower and movement perception has a lot to do with rod cells… Lately only physical touch, having the ground as a major reference that implies gravity and sky, seen to be giving me the necessary coordinates so to understand direction, or action. Maybe being outdoors is a way of keep touching the world as an attempt of perpetuating its recognition to my senses, so I would never loose it, and never get lost for too long.
Rehearsal Series / 2024
Transforming visual and somatic "knowing" and experiences into theatrical experiments.
Rehearsal Series are performative explorations, about 30 minutes long, open to an audience. They reflect planned but never before try out performance structures.
photo @ Dirk Rose
A performative exploration tool.
rehearsal series is a performative research tool inspired by an ongoing interest in alternative experiences of vision and somatic narrative. Each experiment keeps the same audience format, but explores seeing in a slightly different performative approach.
Rehearsal 1 happened in April 2024 in PACT Zollverein, Rehearsal 2 in June 2024 in U500 Festival.
PACT Zollverein.
U500 Festival.
Márcio, Matty and Sindri explore the adaptive quality of somatic compensation patterns, that enables a state of creative reinvention.
PACK STUDIES is a search for actual forms of cognitive resource that are able to sense from the field of experience different version of its reality. Their residency in PACT is their first meeting
Inventiveness beyond eyesight
Researching together with Sindri Runnude and Matty Zighem, how quality if awareness and kinship can redefine what vision means, allowing a grown physical agency to give space to the bodies felt sense and knowledge.
A research mixing range of visual perception, Skate board, Punk and somatic practices.
PACT Zollverein.
photo @ Dirk Rose
Isolation and darkness connects us with the unknown that births simultaneously fears and hopes.
This residency is part of a quest to disassociate visual impairment with disability, and connect to a mode of sensing the world, that can bring expertise and isights to the social body.

It's hard to become a good climber on your own. For instance, someone has to spot and belay you, community helps the technical improvement, but also ensures a playful learning path to surpass difficulties. Facts also important when adjusting to decreasing eyesight.

photo @ Camila Heim
The unknown as a geographic location.
Orientation is a founder principle of meaning making and homeostasis. Due to increasing low eyesight , I relate the unknown of darkness to a landscape which invites the growth of skills and vocabularies of cooperation.
The research explore blindness as a boulder, aiming to surface the dexterity of the visual impaired in journeying their senses in a world dominantly visual.
The Hungarian expression Farkasvakság means Wolf Blindness. It is used for people that cannot see in the “wolf hours”, from dusk to dawn, and the twilight zone. This is the light spectrum where I loose eyesight.
The wolves, daily journeying through the dome of darkness, represent intuition, the unknown, fears, physical power, resilience, liability and more.
They are part of the symbolic cycles of death and rebirth. Wanderers between worlds of light and shadow.

How our biographies take physical shape to talk about connection?
Dealing with Retinitis Pigmentosa a degenerative disease that can cause blindness, Márcio tracks the unfolding of relational interfaces that see beyond the unknown within the darkness.
The research looks for actions that form and fade the human awareness of connection by exploring alternative stories of visual experience.
Expand view by clicking on the images.
And if the landscapes you carry with you would grow out of your pockets to spread on space and touch the ceiling? And if you would access the memory of cut branches, by helping them remember how was to be hanging high? And if you could fold all the dreams of a room to have them dissolving into conversations? And if you could lay down to listen the soft pressure of little things that usually you find on the ground? When was the last time you could not just see but also touch or reorganise a pray? And if you had a expanded time to be with a friend while listening the movement of landscapes?
“COME AND MEET US” was an invitation from
Zero Point Berlin for a creative durational encounter between Josephine Evrad and Márcio K. Canabarro
was a space where to integrate a sensual intelligence. Giving to poetry an entry back to earth. Back to a body technology that does not disassociate from its surroundings, that does not dissolves flesh on ideas, but instead ground the viceral materiality of things in what constitute action, in attention oriented towards our undeniable living experiences. Creativity feed from such spaces of listening, where encounters can engender other voices, other possibilities, other understandings of diversity. Alternative forms of reality that welcome distinct propositions. A place to establish coexistence, multidisciplinary cooperation, expansion of language, potency, reach, exchange and touch. @sandra_blatterer
Amidst a busy event on an industrial site DEEPER builds a flower field cocoon, a quiet destination to hide, rest and listen the wind.